Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Holiday "Food Marathon" is Here!

The stores are flooded with discounted Halloween candy; the feasts of Thanksgiving, Hanukah, and Christmas are just around the corner and just when we think it's finally over, the parties of New Year's Eve and the Superbowl will tempt us even more!

Some sources estimate that Americans typically gain 5-7 pounds during the holidays, while other sources say it's as much as 15 pounds. Whatever the number, we all know the holidays mean parties with delicious food and drinks, big family dinners, traveling, and hosting guests – all the things that disrupt our normal eating and exercise routine.

We want you to enjoy the holidays without the weight gain, so we've dedicated this November edition of JourneyLiteSM LiteNews to arming you with helpful tips on how to get through the holidays without overindulging.

Surviving the Holidays Without Gaining Weight

Holidays are just that – days. A few days out of the year, not weeks, where we can spend time with friends and family and focus on the good things in our lives. The holidays are not an excuse to overindulge, promising yourself that a "resolution" later will shed the extra pounds.

But avoiding all of those holiday goodies is easier said than done, so we've created a list of ways to help you make it through the upcoming holidays without gaining weight:

Before the big party or holiday dinner:

1. Eat a high protein breakfast.

Protein takes longer to digest. Try eggs, lean meats, low-fat cheeses, and nuts.

2. Don't skip meals!

Trying to make "room" for extra calories at the party or the big dinner by starving yourself during the day just sets you up for a binge and you'll be ravenous.

3. Have a healthy snack or protein shake before you go out.

4. Wear snug clothing so you feel the effects of your eating.

At the party or dinner:

1. Careful with the cocktails.

Cocktails are often loaded with sugar. The average cocktail contains between 150-200 calories. Three or four drinks later, and you've consumed enough calories for one meal. If you are having a drink, choose drinks made with club soda or diet sodas.

2. Take your time and survey the foods before making your selection.

You'll make healthier choices and you won't find you've filled your plate only to find one more item you can't pass up.

3. Fill up on the healthy foods.

Veggies, lean meats, fruits, cheeses.

4. Position yourself away from the food.

If you stay close to the food, you'll end up grazing even if you aren't hungry. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. Keep your hands occupied.

Carry a clutch purse, a camera, or keep a beverage in your hand.

6. Eat slowly at buffets.

Have one plate and wait 20 minutes before going for seconds. Your brain needs at least that much time to tell your stomach that it's full.

7. Use appetizer or kid's plates to control your portions.

8. Excuse yourself from the dinner table once your finished.

9. Keep your mouth busy.

Talk, talk, talk! Conversation is calorie free. Or chew gum or a sugarless mint.

0. Say no politely.

When your host offers you more treats, politely decline.

Other Healthy Holiday Eating Tips:

1. Potluck dinners

Don't sabotage yourself and assume there'll be something healthy to eat – bring it yourself! Make a fruit salad or spinach salad. They're quick and easy to carry.

2. Sit Down Dinners

If you are attending a sit down dinner, let your host know if you have any dietary restrictions.

3. Keep a food diary.

It will help keep you in your routine and help track your "indulgences." In fact, research shows that people who keep food diaries consume 15% less food.

4. Go ahead, Indulge!

You do have permission to enjoy the holidays, but in moderation. Holidays are meant to be happy times; times to enjoy those foods that bring back warm memories of childhood and family. Choose what foods will make you the happiest and control your portions. If you do splurge on some dessert, be more careful with your entrée for dinner, or up your physical activity for the day.

5. Shopping

Holiday shopping is booby trapped with free samples of candies, cakes, and drinks, and beautiful displays of food. Never shop on an empty stomach! Have a high-protein snack before you hit the malls.

eMindful - Mindful Eating Tools

These tips above can be applied to your overall eating habits, not just during the holidays. eMindful is an online program that gives you the tools to make these changes to your everyday eating habits.

eMindful ( live, online behavioral education, developed in collaboration with Duke Integrative Medicine, as a supplementary tool for bariatric surgery patients - where participants can see, hear and interact with their teacher and fellow group members. The Mindful Eating for Bariatric Patients Program is fun, and evidence suggests that mindful eating tools can have a dramatic beneficial impact on your overall health, well-being, and success in losing and managing your weight.

As a participant in the Mindful Eating for Bariatric Patients (MEBP) Program,
you will:

  • learn to work more effectively with your own personal eating patterns

  • distinguish between body hunger and emotional hunger, as well as mechanisms for coping with urges and cravings
  • become more aware of how your choices are being made
  • learn how distorted thinking sabotages weight loss
  • be able to recognize and better handle angry, sad, or other difficult feelings (without eating)

  • learn the principles of, and research on, weight maintenance
  • create a personal mission statement and set goals reflecting your personal values

Keep Moving!

Besides overeating, the major culprit of holiday weight gain is the lack of physical activity. Visits from friends and family, traveling, and different school schedules all work together to throw us off our normal exercise habits. Exercise will help you more than you think. It burns calories, suppresses appetite, and helps you deal with stress.

Here are some ways to keep your physical activity up:

1. Include time for exercise.

If you are out shopping, walk for an extra half hour at the mall.

2. Exercise with your guests.

Ask them to join you for a walk, or secure a few guest passes from the gym and bring them along. Or simply get up earlier than they do and exercise then.

3. Start a more active holiday tradition.

Go skating, sledding, skiing (if you're in the right part of the country). Park the car and walk to see neighborhood Christmas decorations. Make sometime to be outside and play with your kids.

4. Exercise at home if you can.

***This information provided by JourneyLite. For more information on JourneyLite, please visit their site at***

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 2008 Lap-Band Update

I would like to begin by giving a shout out to Melanie and say thanks for the words of encouragement. I hope everything is going well with your lap-band. The first couple of months are always interesting, but the year will fly by before you know it.

As for me, I am doing ok. I am still stuck on my plateau from several months ago. I stay between 240 and 250 every week. I guess it is not a bad thing, but I would like to reach 220 by Christmas. I still believe it can happen. I have joined two challenges to help inspire me.

The first is a slots challenge, it is the second time I am doing this challenge. I did very bad with it the first time. The slots challenge is between me and three other people at work. We all put in $50.00 each and the winner will get $150.00 to play at the Hard Rock Casino. It would be really nice to win that challenge, but it is not the one that is pushing me the most.

The second challenge is call “The President’s Challenge”. You get into groups of two or more (we are doing groups of four at my job) and you compete against other groups (could be family, friends, co-workers, whoever). The object of this challenge is to motivate you to exercise. It is not based on what you eat or how much you weigh every week, it just focuses on you exercising. It seems to inspire me the most because if I fail to exercise then, I am not just hurting myself, but my team too. I think this is a really great program and I encourage all of my readers to check it out. It is a free site and you can view it out at

As for the home-life, I have informed my current roomie that I am moving out, which he did not take too well and has started being shady, which sucks, but I am being the better person. I am looking for my own place where I can control what I eat and eliminate unnecessary stressors, like coming home to a crying 2 year old every night. I think once I have my own place I will be able to set-up a daily routine of good eating habits and exercise. It is going to cost me a lot, but when it comes down to it, I have to value myself and my health more then money.

As for my job, I had to tell my staff that they will not be getting raises and I might have to double their workloads. I am in the process of trying to do what I can to take care of them and get them promotions. If that doesn’t work, then I will figure something else out to help them. I truly believe that happy staff are productive staff.

As we all know, the lap-band itself is only a tool to help us and if we don’t use it correctly then it is our own fault. We have to eat right and exercise if we want to reach our goals. With that said, I will be the first to say it is not easy and other stresses in our life impact our choices. My move to Sarasota is not something I will ever regret, but it does present new stresses in my life that I have to learn to react to differently and walking has seemed to help reduce my stress level greatly. If you ever get in a jam or lose hope, go for a least a 30 minutes walk and I will promise it will help clear your head. I wish each of you the best and I encourage you to stay strong with the holidays coming up!

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Where the HELL is Edd?

I want to apologize for disappearing of ya'll. These last three months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me. I mentioned in my last blog posted on June 1, 2008 that thanks to my weight loss, I finally found the confidence to apply for a management job in the agency I worked at. I went for the interview and within a week they called and offered me the position. I was so excited it was crazy because this was one of my goals that I had set for myself years ago and feared I would never have the self confidence to ever do it.

The news was great. They called me on Friday afternoon and wanted me to start on the following Monday. I was in shock, but agreed to it because I was not really happy with the position I was currently holding, plus my supervisor was already guessing I would get it. The other issue was the position was in a different location, about a hour drive south of my condo.

The whole process was stressful as hell. I was spending two hours on the road every day, searching/posting ads for people looking roommates, trying to adjust to having a staff of 12 people, with two of the positions vacant and had to be filled. I had to start off running and I have yet to stop. Our end of the fiscal year is October 1st, so I have to fill the positions, learn about budgets and handle several major projects that got dumped on the position when they found out I got it. I have already had to dye my hair to hide the gray…lol.

I know you must think I am crazy, but I actually love my job. It is stressful and demanding, but I feel accomplished at the tend of the day. However, there is a downfall, with everything I was doing, I let my health go as usual. I only took 15 minute lunches and by the time I got home it was about 7 or 8 o'clock at night, so I started visiting Taco Bell and eating ice cream as dessert. I think you can imagine what happened.

Finally, about a month or so ago, I found a place to live close to my job. BTW, my new work location is in Sarasota, Florida. It has got to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. I will try to post some picture for ya'll. About the same time, I also rented out my condo for year. Things were going really well and I started trying to watch what I was eating better and began going for walks in the evening on park that is really an island. It is really nice. I was doing three miles a day and managed to keep my weight at 240 lbs, which means I would have maintain everything for two months.

I am not sure where things went wrong, but something inside of me is really sad. I think it is because for all the beauty in this City, the gay community is ugly and the people (because it is a beach community) might be too in shape. I still see the old 308 lb me in the mirror and when you see half naked men with in shape bodies every where it sucks. I guess it should inspire me, but it hasn't so far. I even quit walking at night.

I am not sure what to do. My whole life has been focused on my career and I am finally happy with it. I am just not happy with me. My roomie is great, but there are some issues there which are contributing to my unhealthiness. He has kids and they are all poor, so I feel guilty about cooking anything and I don't have enough money to pay for a whole family.

The good news about this situation is I have been pre-approved to buy a house here in Sarasota. I think once I get my own place I will do better. I will be able to monitor my eating habits better and cook. I will feel comfortable inviting people to come over for visits. I can have friends and family visit me. I can set-up a home gym again.

I had a doctor's appointment last week and in a month's time I gained 7 lbs of just pure unhappiness. The doctor asked me what is happening and I explained everything to him. Plus I told him I am having trouble with eating fish and chicken. He told me he thinks my band might be too tight and we might need to loosen it to allow me to eat healthier food, which would be great, but I won't do it in my current living situation.

Overall, I am still doing well with my weight. It has now been a year (my band-iversary was 09/04/08) for me. I am down a total for 61lbs, which I don't think is too horrible. In fact, I have inspired one of my best friends who is over 500 lbs to go see my doctor and it looks like he might have surgery towards the end of the year. I am really excited for him because he is so talented that ya'll will know him one day if he can lose this weight before it kills him.

As for me, I need to find happiness in not just my career, but my social life because the reason I like to work late and do special projects is because I have nothing to come home to. I am in a new City, with no friends or family, and the only thing that seems to like me is food, which I don't honestly like. With all my stress, I have lost support in my new life style change. The only thing I can really eat is Taco Bell, which I am now growing to hate. I think I am also eating to punish myself for not being more outgoing and social. I guess there is a part of me that I just don't like at all. I wish I could change the man in the mirror. I guess time will tell.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A New Life

I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who is trying to lose weight. I would also like for them to think about setting non-scale victories (NSV), such as getting into a new outfit, being able to ride the roller coasters, or getting the confidence to do new things. I think it is good to have an NSV because it gives you something else to focus on other then that damn scale number, which doesn’t always count because sometimes I don’t lose anything but inches. For those of you that are just starting to lose weight, please don’t lose faith because you will reach your goal. Some people lose really fast or non-stop and others only lose a couple of pounds a month. I had a goal in mind and thought I would not be happy until I reached it, but I was wrong. I am finally at a weight that I feel comfortable. My health is good and I feel like I can run a marathon. Don’t get me wrong, I am still overweight and need to lose about 50+ pounds. I was just wrong about how far away that light was at the end of the tunnel, and I hope you will find out that your happiness may come sooner then you think.

For the first time in my life, I don’t want to stay home (which sucks with the current gas prices). However, since I never went out before I am not sure what I want to do or where to go, but I am so comfortable that I am finally trying to get out and meet people more, especially since some of my old friends don’t seem to feel comfortable around me now that I have lost weight and they haven’t. My new found confidence has also allowed me to apply for a management job (which I should hear about by the middle of June so keep your fingers crossed). If I don’t get that job, I am also considering just moving to a new city (probably Atlanta) and making a fresh start. I guess sometimes you just have to take risks, the first of which for me was having surgery.

It is the first day of June and my goal for this month is to lose 10 lbs. I am not sure if I will reach that goal, but it is worth trying and I think it is possible. I think it helps to set small goals and try for them rather then focus on the final goal. It helps that I have pretty much maintained my weight over the past couple of weeks and my body seems like it is ready to begin moving forward again. I think the more weight I lose the more confident and free I will feel to do just about anything. I would love to go white water rafting one day, yeah I know I am crazy, but aren’t we all just a little. I’ll keep ya posted on my progress.

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Reflection - My Body and Weight Loss

Can you believe it has been almost two weeks since my last doctor visit? I cannot believe how fast the time has passed. I am suppose to go back to the doctor in two weeks, but I don't think that is necessary since my body has decided after losing so much in one month that is it going to go into a plateaued mode. It is a little frustrating, but I am learning to deal with it. I have kinda taken the past two weeks off to allow my body to gain a little bit of weight so it thinks I am not starving or overworking it. It seems to be happy now and my knees have also healed, which means I can finally start working out again. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

I just wanted to remind those who read this and have the lap-band, weight loss surgery or any kind of diet that the body is kinda funny and very frustrating. We are all different and some of us lose non-stop (like the awesome FSP-Kim), some lose then go into plateaus after losing weight (that would be me) and some rush it and just gain because they put the body into shock. If you are like me, then you understand my frustration. I think is important to learn to read your body because it might help your frustration. What I have noticed with my body is that when I am on a plateau my body actually is losing inches instead of weight. I know we all want to see the number on the scale go down, but it just important that we do it right and allow ourselves to enjoy the moments when we get to buy new clothes or in my case fit into a roller coaster again. As frustrating as each of our bodies can be, the one thing I have learned through this process is be patient and accepting, which I know sounds funny. After realizing this I have set new goals that I think are realistic and attainable. My doctor would like for me to hit the 100 lb loss marker by my band anniversary, but my goal is to hit the 75 lb loss marker by then (September 4, 2008). I am giving myself until Christmas to lose 100 lbs and you must admit that is one hell of a present. I have no clue who I will feel when I hit that marker.

Ok, enough of me reflecting, let me tell you how things went the weekend after my doctor's appointment. As you know I was planning on going to see my childhood friend at her sister's wedding and I did go. I have added pics to my albums for you to check out how I have changed (which I have a hard time seeing in the mirror). The wedding was a success and everyone was happy to see me and that I lost so much weight. They kept telling me about it all night and wishing me the best, which I honestly needed to hear. It was nice seeing all of my friends and I miss my friends so much because they give me so much courage and confidence. After talking to them and discussing my future I will be making some very interesting changes in my future, so stay tuned.

Also, as I promised myself when I hit the 250 goal, I bought myself an annual pass to Busch Gardens. I was nervous because the last time I was there I could not fit into the roller coasters. The next day after the wedding I went to Busch Gardens with a friend and it didn't go as well as I had thought, but I was happy to finally fit in the seats. The bad part was the roller coaster bars that keep you in the seat pushed in on my port and after a few hours I was in a lot of pain, not to mention my head was throbbing from being tossed around. I think maybe once I lose more weight this might not be an issue. Anyways, we had to stop because I was getting sick and turning pale (which I now know was from dehydration and sinus issues). Overall, I don't regret it because I finally got to do something I had been telling myself I would not be able to go again. It was nice to be wrong. I hope each of you are setting small goals and accomplishing them too.

I wish you all the best on your journeys and I hope my blogs help. I think it is time for me to go work out. Catch ya later!

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mixed Emotions

As some of you know I have been trying for awhile to reach my goal (250 lbs). My hope was for it to have happened last month, but no such luck. I was more determined then ever to reach my goal this month. I even had a secret super goal to reach 238 lbs (a loss of 16 lbs in one month). The super goal was created because it is my 70 lb marker and I have an old childhood friend coming to town and I wanted to surprise her with my weight loss since she doesn’t know I have had surgery. My friends at work told me that I was crazy to even have the super goal, but I guess we are all a little crazy in our own way.

I was doing really well with my meals and walking (6 miles every other day), until I hurt my knee. I did as the doctor ordered and stayed off it a little, but then started walking again, but only 5 miles this time. I am having pains in both knees and try to give myself more time off between my walks.

As for my gain during my off week, it happens and I have to accept it. I should learn not to get frustrated with situations I cannot change, which causes me to eat. I need to learn how to stay on schedule and just subtract the walking. This is something I need to work on in the future.

Anyways, I went to the doctor yesterday and I wasn’t sure what to expect given my previous week. I was really nervous, but willing to except whatever came my way. I honestly thought I would be okay, but ya never know. I stepped on the scale and I had mixed emotions. I was happy and frustrated at the same time. Why, well, because I was just 2 lbs shy of meeting my “super goal”!! That’s right, if I had controlled myself the week before I would have reached the super goal and loss 16 lbs, but to be honest I was so damn happy to have finally reach my 250 lb goal. I have lost 68 lbs so far and it just seems so surreal to me. I am still at a loss.

As for my doctor, he was very pleased with me. However, he prefers for me to only loss 6 to 8 lbs a month and that is the goal for next month. I guess we will see what happens given my knee issues. I’ll keep ya posted on my progress.

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekly Review - April 28, 2008

Overall, last week went pretty well until the end of the week. I have been walking 6 miles every other day, but last week it seems I put too much strain on my right knee and it started to hurt. I had to stop walking and decided to let it rest. I went to the doctor today and he told me he thinks I sprained my knee. He ordered an x-ray to make sure it isn’t anything worse. I am going to continue to rest until he releases me to do more walking. I am frustrated because my body has started to react to the pain and I have gained 3 lbs since Wednesday, which might not sound like much, but it means I will not achieve my super goal. However, if all goes well, I should be able to achieve my first goal of 250 lbs, as long as my body doesn’t continue to gain. I hope when I start taking the anti-inflammatory pain medications my body will return to normal and I can start walking and losing again. I have also decided to give myself a break this week and not count all my calories. I hope ya’ll are doing better than me; stay focused on your goals!

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekly Review - April 21, 2008

I only have two more weeks before I go back to my doctor and I think I will finally meet my goal. I am actually looking forward to the visit this time because I know I will do well. Especially, if I keep having weeks like this one in which my meals were great and I got my exercise completed (thank-you again to the person who helped motivate me!). Listed below are my total calories for each day. Sorry this post is so short, but I have to go out of town for several days and need to leave soon. I hope I can stay on course, but we will find out next week. Also, check out the tip for this week that I received at work. Have a great week!

Monday (453 calories)
Tuesday (570 calories)
Wednesday (831 calories)
Thursday (674 calories)
Friday (754 calories)
Saturday (540 calories)
Sunday (514 calories)

Calm Mind, Healthy Body
Experts now agree: Your mental and emotional health are directly connected to your physical well-being. People often forget that caring for their mental well-being is essential to overall good health.

Know the Signs
Chronic physical symptoms can result from worry, anxiety or depression. These signs may include back or neck ache, appetite changes, diarrhea or constipation, general aches and pains, headache, sleep problems, fatigue, dry mouth, chest pain, or heart palpitations. (Note: Pain or physical discomforts that come on suddenly or are severe warrant a call to your health care provider.)

Make the Connection
You may find it difficult to talk to people about your emotions. But talking about whatever might be bothering you, no matter how small or silly it seems, is a good first step toward feeling better. You might want to start with your health care provider, especially if physical symptoms have been affecting your daily life for several weeks. Other people you should to talk to include your family, close friends, a pastor or minister, a counselor or someone from your workplace employee assistance program.

Make Some Changes
Realize that improving your mental health can lead to feeling better physically. Instead of just taking pain medicine for your headache or putting a heating pad on your aching back, pay attention to how your thoughts and feelings might be at the root of your pain.

Try to focus on the positive. Keep a journal of everything that goes right each day. Find time to do things that make you happy.

Let yourself relax. Meditating, praying, visualizing a positive scene or simply breathing deeply for a few minutes can help calm your mind. The key is to practice these techniques every day.

Finally, practice good health habits. Regular exercise, a healthy diet and adequate sleep are important to help both your mind and body stay in tip-top shape.

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekly Review - April 14, 2008

I think this week has gone well for me. There were a few days where I wanted to eat something bad, but I kept to my meal plan. I was even able to get in the three days of exercise as my doctor requested.
I keep thinking I gained weight, but I know that is not possible given what I am eating. I think I am just going through a mental process. I return to the doctor on May 14th and I truly believe I will reach my goal this time. The Saturday following my doctor visit I will be seeing one of my best friends that I grow up with. She has not seen me for two years, so it will be quite the surprise because she does not know that I had surgery.

This weekend I decided to go shopping. As you know, there is not a lot out there for big people, but since I have lost weight I have a lot more options. However, I am not sure what I like, what is in style and what looks good on me because I still see the fat guy. I am not sure what I will do in the future, but this time I settled for some new shorts. I will have to figure these questions out as I lose more weight.

As for my weekly food plan, I decided not to waste space by posting it unless you want it. I have decided to only post my total calories for each day.

Monday (797 calories)
Tuesday (899 calories)
Wednesday (681 calories)
Thursday (768 calories)
Friday (963 calories)
Saturday (491 calories)
Sunday (515 calories)

Calorie Facts: If you're watching your calories, here's a quick explanation of some common food product terms: "Calorie-free" - the product has fewer than 5 calories per serving. "Low-calorie" - each serving contains 40 calories or less. "Reduced" or "fewer" calories - the product has at least 25 percent fewer calories than the standard version. "Light" or "lite" the product contains at least one-third fewer calories or 50 percent less fat than the standard version.

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekly Review - April 7, 2008

Overall this has been a good week for me when it comes to eating. I have posted my weekly food below, and from the results I did really well (except that I am addicted to ketchup). I planned everything and maintained good portions. Around 90% of the foods are on the list of the World’s Healthiest Foods. I like the quote: “If there is one thing we can control, it is what we put in our mouths!”

I did not get to exercise this week due to back pain. I also cut a chunk out of my finger when I was cutting up the squash and zucchini. It bled for two days and still hurts like hell, but I was finally able to get a liquid bandage on it. I am actually looking forward to getting at least 3 day of exercise in next week. I think it was good I did not do it this week because I had more time to plan and focus on my meals.

Providing my blog works, I will post some helpful information and tips this week. I also plan on posting my “Weekly Reviews” at the end of each week. I think it will help keep me grounded.

TIP: BJs (similar to Sam’s Club) sells packages of thinly sliced chicken breast cut into 4 to 5 pieces with each slice being only 80 calories, which helps cut your calories and ensures you get your protein.

~Think Positive and Stay Healthy~

Monday (535 total calories)
2 Granola Bars (180 calories)
Broccoli (120 calories)
Chicken (160 calories)
Ketchup (60 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend (15 calories)

Tuesday (753 total calories)
Protein Bar (200 calories)
Mints(20 calories)
Broccoli (140 calories)
Chicken (160 calories)
Watermelon (103 calories)
Ketchup (120 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend (10 calories)

Wednesday (758 total calories)
Apple (110)
Mints (20 calories)
Banana (105)
Broccoli (130 calories)
Chicken (160 calories)
Ketchup (120 calories)
Watermelon (103 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend (10 calories)

Thursday (820 total calories)
Apple (110)
Banana (105)
Broccoli (50 calories)
Chicken (80 calories)
Ketchup (90 calories)
Squash and Zucchini (60 calories)
Grouper (211 calories)
Grapes (104 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend (10 calories)

Friday (902 total calories)
2 Protein Bars (400 calories)
Grouper (297 calories)
Squash and Zucchini (50 calories)
Ketchup (45 calories)
Grapes (100 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend (10 calories)

Saturday (766 total calories)
Grouper (297 calories)
Broccoli (70 calories)
Ketchup (90 calories)
Squash and Zucchini (50 calories)
Pineapple (249 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend (10 calories)

Sunday (808 total calories)
Chicken (80 calories)
Ketchup (105 calories)
Broccoli (50 calories)
Watermelon (142 calories)
Grouper (200 Calories)
Squash and Zucchini (67 calories)
Strawberries (144 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend (20 calories)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I might not have been happy with the doctor, but my reaction was not good either. I guess I figured since I was doing badly, at least by his terms, I might as well live up to them. This past weekend I had pizza twice and I am glad I did have it because it made me realize just how bad it was for me to eat. Like I told the doctor, I have mostly been eating chicken and fish with vegetables, so when I ate the bad stuff this weekend it was nasty. I think if you eat right, then you know it. I am sure if I had exercised more then I might have met “his goal” and he would have been happy, but this is not about him (which some of you reminded me). He wants to get me down between 200 and 190 lbs, which does sound good, but I personally am not in a hurry to lose over a 100 lbs in one year; especially since it took me longer then that to gain it all.

I will admit that I am happy to have lost weight and I plan on continuing that trend even, if it is not as fast as he wants me to lose it. I am changing what I eat by looking at the foods value and calories, which means I will be working more fruits in my eating plan. I will do as he asked and eat around 1,000 calories or less per day. I will also exercise three to four times a week. I am going to try and work that in this week even though I hurt my back. I am going to try my best, and at the end of the month, when I weigh in again for him, whether it is a gain or loss, I will be happy knowing I did my best.

In order to help me focused I plan on posting my weekly meals and exercises like I did before. I hope I can keep up with it, but I think it might be one way to keep me from slipping. I will also post some useful tips/information shared with me at work. I wish you all the best and thank-you for taking the time to read my blog and comment. I truly appreciate it. ~Best Wishes~

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Frustrated and Disappointed

Today was the wonderful day I got to see my doctor. As you know my goal was to reach 250 lbs by today. I was nervous on my way to his office because I wasn’t sure if I had made my goal. I really didn’t want another fill because of all the trouble I had last time. I was going to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. Well, I arrived and my name was called. I walked to the dreaded scale and it read 254 lbs. I was upset I didn’t reach my goal, but still happy I lost 6 lbs. Also, according to them this marked my 50 lb weight loss marker; it marks 54 lbs for me because I had gained 4 lbs before I started my pre-op diet for the surgery. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the doctor, but what I got was not happiness. He read my chart and told me he was not happy with my loss and expected it to be double that amount. I told him I thought I was doing well. I also informed him I had dropped a couple of dress sizes, which I guess is a unique saying, but to me means clothes sizes. He then asked me if I wore dresses and I told him no. You think the doctor would be happy that I have gone from a size 46-44 in pants to a size 40 and from a 2x in shirts to a XL (in some cases L). He also asked if I was eating pizza, which I haven’t done in awhile and told him I was mostly eating fish, chicken and broccoli. He told me he expects me to lose between 6 to 8 lbs on a monthly basis. He also told me to eat no more than 1,000 calories a day and exercise 3 to 4 times a week. He felt the band was doing its job, but I wasn’t and if I didn’t lose at least 6 lbs by next month I might have to get a fill. Needless to say, I am full of negative feelings and hope I can use them to push me to lose the weight he wants by next month. I guess time will tell. I hope ya’ll are doing better then me. ~Best Wishes~

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Free Protein Shake Recipes Site Completed!!

IT’S HERE! I have finally completed the design on my new website for protein shake recipes entitled “Free Protein Shake Recipes”. I have provided the website address below. Let me know what you think. Also, keep your fingers crossed for my appointment next week. I still have hope I will reach my goal.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hell Month - Final Posting

Listed below is some interesting information that was given to me at work. I thought I would share it. As for Hell Month, I will not be posting any more posts until my next doctor visit. I want to spend my time focusing on my new site because I think it will be far more beneficial to people than my blogs. I wish you all the best! ~Edd~

Fast Guide to Fats
Is dietary fat bad for you? Actually, fat is an important part of every cell in your body, and it contributes to healthy hair and skin. But fat has more than double the calories of protein or carbohydrates, so a little goes a long way. Here’s a quick summary of the American Heart Association’s recommendations:

Trans fats. Often listed on labels as "partially hydrogenated," these fats are found in some baked goods, snacks, margarines and especially fried foods. Trans fats contribute to clogged arteries, so eat as little as possible or avoid them altogether.

Saturated fats. These fats are found in meat and dairy products, as well as palm and coconut oils. Try to limit them to 7 percent of your total calories, since saturated fat is a major factor in unhealthy cholesterol.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The best sources of these heart-healthy fats include olive oil, canola oil, avocados and nuts. The omega-3 fatty acids, a special type of polyunsaturated fat found in fish such as salmon and herring, are especially good for your heart.

The bottom line: Try to keep your fat intake to 25 to 35 percent of your total calories. If you stick to mostly mono- and polyunsaturated fats, you’ll be doing your heart a big favor.

Watch Those Liquid Calories
A recent study found that people get 22 percent of their calories from beverages and that people who drink beverages with calories tend to eat more. TIP: If you’re trying to lose weight, choose sugar-free beverages or water, which has zero calories.

4 Quick At-Work Exercises
Our bodies are designed to move, so sitting or standing in one place all day can make you ache. What can you do? Use brief breaks for some simple moves that can bring relief. You can stretch between phone calls, while your computer is loading a file or between tasks. Just 5 minutes of movement per hour will help you feel more calm and productive. Get going with these ideas:

Stretch. Relieve tension and stiffness with some stretching. Try this one: Lift your shoulders toward your ears, then rotate them backwards and down. For other exercises, click on "Musculoskeletal System" at

Pump it up. Exercise your heart by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for a quick walk instead of a coffee break.

Build strength. Work your muscles with filled water bottles or resistance bands. While seated and reading e-mails, place one foot on the floor and raise the opposite leg several inches. Gently move the leg up and down a few inches. Do this 10-20 times and then repeat with the opposite leg.

Strike a pose. Yoga builds flexibility and strength. While sitting, gently turn your head to the side and your torso to the opposite side, then hold for a few seconds. Try other poses from "Free Yoga Lesson" at Aim to loosen your neck and shoulders every 20 minutes and walk or stretch every 40 minutes. And try to fit in a regular exercise routine most days of the week.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hell Month - Week 2

This has been an interesting week for me. I am tired from work and depressed. I had planned on launching my new protein shake recipes site this weekend, but my new roommate killed that plan because I ended up helping him move from one coast of Florida to the other. It was a good experience and helped me get out of my funk, plus the exercise was really nice. It also kept me from eating this weekend because we were hanging out and moving almost all day Saturday and didn’t get in until 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, so I have slept most of today away. I have posted my meals below, minus Friday because I forgot to write it down.

Next week should be interesting. I am going to try and cut back on the TV dinners and do my own cooking. I am also going to try and start jogging/running instead of just walking. I will try to post some cool and interesting facts on Wednesday. I am also going to try and make some time to beginning working on my new site.

BTW - One of the things you cannot have after you have this surgery is gum, which I love, so I am trying to substitute mints for it. So far it is going okay.

Monday – 03/10/08

Food (778 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
York Mints – 2 total (6 calories)
Altoids – 3 total (10 calories)
Lean Cuisine Salmon with basil (220 calories)
Homemade Salad (350 calories)
Watermelon (92 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (10 calories)

Exercise - 3 miles walking

Tuesday – 03/11/08

Food (1452 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
Pure Protein Bar (190 calories)
York Mints – 2 total (6 calories)
Hard Candy – 5 total (25 calories)
Chili – 1 cup (389 calories) (BAD)
Grilled Chicken Salad – (277 calories)
Stew – 1 bowl (475 calories) (BAD)

Exercise - None

Wednesday – 03/12/08

Food (1306 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
Chicken and Rice Soup (200 calories)
Chicken Alfredo – Lunch (498 calories)
Chicken Alfredo – Dinner (498 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (20 calories)

Exercise - None

Thursday – 03/13/08

Food (880 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
Dark Chocolate Candy (130 calories)
Weight Watchers: Smart Ones – Lasagna (300 calories)
Homemade Salad (350 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (10 calories)

Exercise – 1 Mile Walking/Jog/Running

Friday – 03/14/08

My bad, I forgot to log stuff for this day.

Saturday – 03/13/08

Food (509 calories)
Chicken Breast – (211 calories)
Broccoli – (98 calories)
Ice Cream – (180 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (20 calories)

Exercise – Helping roomie move from coast to coast.

Sunday – 03/13/08

Food (599 calories)
Chicken Breast – (211 calories)
Broccoli – (98 calories)
Ice Cream – (260 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (30 calories)

Exercise – None

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hell Month - Plateau

It seems I have reached another plateau. I am okay with not losing weight because I am losing inches. I slide down another belt hole this week, which makes me happy. I have also been doing some research on-line and found two cool sites (which I will list at the very bottom). In one of the sites is provided the following:

The Perils of Plateaus

Every once in a while, you just stop losing weight. Try as you might, a week passes by, maybe two, but the needles on your scale is simply stuck. You're on a plateau. Being on a plateau is like, pulling your car off the road, on your way down the mountain, and stopping to take a look. Please look back at the peak, to see how far you've come in your journey. Take a breather, sit and enjoy, and recognize that you will get started back on your journey down the mountain, with time.

It's important to note that, often, while you may not be losing weight, you may still be losing inches. If your overall goal is better health and better looks, that's still a good thing. Overall inches may help you squeeze into the next dress size!

Plateaus seem to happen when your body has finally gotten used to the new regime. It moves to compensate for the lower calorie intake by slowing down a notch, and reducing your fat loss. Experience from numerous people suggests that the best to break a plateau is to do something different, such as, up your calories a couple hundred, or add some more exercise to your regime. Something different that forces your body to react differently. One tried and true method is to alternative your calorie intake, such as, going up a little for a day or two, and then going back to where you were.

I am going to see how this works and flex my daily intake of calories. If I wasn’t so damn drained from work, I would just increase my exercises. Anyways, I hope this works. Time will tell. BTW…if you have any protein shake recipes you wish to share, send them my way. I will be creating a new website this weekend that contains over 200 free protein shake recipes. Also, I will have a new posting this Sunday! Have a good night! ~Edd~

Cool Sites:

Calorie Counter Database:
The World’s Healthiest Foods:

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hell Month - Week 1

As promised, I am posting some information on my progress. This was a bad week for me. I found out my former roommate ran up a $713 cable bill on me, in addition to him leaving without paying the rent. I am also covering two jobs (for seven weeks) while my co-worker is out having surgery. So like everyone else I am having the money and family issues. I think despite all of this crap, I will succeed. I did not get out and exercise as much as I wanted due to the rains, but I will do better this week. Plus, I need to budget my time correctly so I don’t have to get milkshakes for lunch due to lake of time. It is odd because I never really cared for them before the surgery. BTW…thanks Paula for sharing your quotes. Mine at the moment makes me laugh and helps keep me grounded. My favorite quote: Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!" Listed below is how I did this week:

Monday – 03/03/08

Food (895 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
Altoids – 5 total (15 calories)
York Mints – 3 total (10 calories)
Weight Watchers: Smart Ones – Spaghetti with Meat Sauce (310 calories)
Chocolate Milk – 2 cups (240 calories)
Weight Watchers: Smart Ones – Slow Roasted Turkey Breast (210 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (20 calories)

3 miles walking
25 jumping jacks
50 crunches
30 reps - Pectoral Fly
30 reps – Flat Bench Press
30 reps – Leg Extensions

Tuesday – 03/04/08

Food (1100 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
Lean Cuisine Chicken & Vegetables (230 calories)
York Mints – 6 total (20 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (20 calories)
Pizza – (740 calories) (NOT GOOD)

Exercise - None

Wednesday – 03/05/08

Food (1070 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
Lean Cuisine Beef Portabella (220 calories)
York Mints – 3 total (10 calories)
Altoids – 3 total (10 calories)
Chocolate Milk – 2 cups (240 calories)
Lean Cuisine Roasted Turkey Breast – (260 calories)
Campbell’s Select – Chicken with Egg Noodles – (220)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (20 calories)

Exercise - 3 miles walking

Thursday – 03/06/08

Food (1600 calories)
Two Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (180 calories)
Milkshake (1110 calories) (VERY BAD)
Weight Watchers: Smart Ones – Lasagna (300 calories)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (10 calories)

Exercise - None

Friday – 03/07/08

Food (1336 calories)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bar (90 calories)
Apple Walnut Grilled Chicken Salad (337 calories)
Milkshake (889 calories) (VERY BAD)
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (20 calories)
Greek Salad (calories – Not Sure)

Exercise - None

Saturday – 03/08/08

Food (Too many calories)
I had to go to my parents, which is where I eats tons of bad stuff. I am not every going to list what I did on this day.

Exercise - None

Sunday – 03/09/08

Food (Not Sure calories)
Smoked Sausage with Bar-B-Q sauce
Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend – (20 calories)
Greek Salad (calories – Not Sure)

Exercise - None

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hell Month

I would like to take the time to say thank-you to everyone who has read my blogs!

This has not been an easy process for me. I would advise anyone thinking of having lap-band surgery to have a very good support system in place. At times, I do regret not having this support system. My lack of a support system has made it harder to get over some of the bumps in the road and there is not as much encouragement. However, because of this I feel I have had to push myself harder to get where I need to be today and I am really determined to reach my goals. It may take me longer then someone with a support system, but I will do it. I do not encourage this approach on anyone; I can deal with it because I have had some really bad stuff happen to me in the past that I would not wish on anyone and I think that it has helped prepare me for this new journey.

I would also like to apologize for not posting more often. I will try to do more in the future, but it seems about once a month is average for me. I think this month will be different for me because I am calling it Hell Month! What is Hell Month; well it is just another test to see if I can reach another one of my goals. As you may know, my goal for the end of February was to lose 10 pounds, which should have been easy, but I had a lot of unusual drama occur that distracted me from my goal. It appears I only lost 5 pounds, which honestly is not bad and I am happy to have a loss.

So, let me tell you about Hell Month. What does Hell Month mean to me? It is a test to see if I can lose at least 10 pounds this month and reach the 240’s, something I don’t remember ever being in my life. I don’t know about you, but for me, I really don’t remember the phase from skinny to fat, all I remember is being heavy, so if I reach this goal I will not know what to think. If I do reach the goal, I plan on buying an annual pass to Busch Gardens and riding the roller coasters as much as I want without having to even think about if I will fit or not. I think it might be a really nice escape and a good reward. It is always good to set goals and reward yourself during any process.

What is going to happen during Hell Month? Well, it is called “Hell Month” because I am going to start writing down what I eat and watching the calories (at least the best I can) and I will be increasing my exercises almost 100 percent. I have no clue if I will succeed since I already know there are road blocks ahead of me, but I sure in the hell am going to try. I hope you will follow me during my journey and gives comments. In fact, I would love it if you send me one (or more) of your quotes that help give you encouragement. I will write some down too and post them to remind me of my goal.

Throughout this month (probably each weekend), I will post the information I collect so you can see my ups and downs and where I slip (which also adds to the pressure of it being “Hell Month”). Hell, I will even post some of the “bumps in the road” I have to faced too, which might help me figure out a way to eliminate some of it. This test might be interesting because if I don’t eat enough the body could hold weight and if I eat too much then I might gain or in some cases loses (the body is funny like that sometimes). Also, if I don’t work out enough I might not have a loss, but if I work out too much I might have a gain (muscle weighs more the fat). I guess this month will be very interesting, let me know what you think and we will all find out if I succeed when I go in to see the doctor on April 2nd for my next weigh-in. Keep those fingers crossed that I reach the 240’s!

Until next weekend – STAY HEALTHY AND THINK POSITIVE! ~Edd~

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Since my last blog a lot has happened. As you know, I had an appointment scheduled with my doctor for January 16, 2008. I was not looking forward to it because I knew I was not losing weight and I would have to get a fill. I will be honest and tell you I am not crazy about getting fills. I just don’t care to think about getting a big ass needle jammed into my belly to put even more into it, sounds funny when you think about it that way. I bit the bullet and decided to keep my appointment.

I arrived at the doctor’s office and I was nervous. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. The nurse called me in and I stepped on the scale. DAMN THE SCALE…, sorry, my bad. It said I gained 6 pounds. In that very moment I was so disgusted with myself. I couldn’t believe it. I knew I was depressed and felt alone, but I didn’t realize those feelings kept me from watching what I was eating.

Side Note: A friend from another site provided me with this little bit of knowledge:

There is a physical reason for the depression, in addition to all of the emotional changes that losing weight, losing favorite foods, and sometimes friends (eating buddies) brings about. Our bodies store hormones (and lots of other nasty things) in our fat tissue and as we start to lose weight that all gets released. If there is enough junk or you lose fast enough, your mind and body get flooded with chemical rushes it doesn't know what to do with. Then the tide may suddenly shift and the levels may fall dramatically, it's like being pregnant or menopausal (regardless of you sex).

My doctor gave me “the lap-band is only a tool” lecture, which is so true. If you decided to have this surgery done, please, please don’t do it alone and make sure you have some people there to help support you (and I don’t mean in just giving you compliments). The doctor decided I needed a fill. During the process we learned I have a low threshold (which means I will never be able to get my band filled past a certain point). My first fill was 4.00 cc. The doctor was only able to add an additional 0.20 cc to the band because I was having pain.

I left the office and headed home. I felt a little weird, but that happens when you get a fill. When I arrived home, I started to get a pain in my back. I figured it was just gas and the band adjusting. As time went on the pain started to get worse and within 5 hours my body was in shock. It felt like I had a large kitchen knife stuck in my back. I could not sleep, I was turning very pale, getting a fever and nausea and beginning to shake. I called the doctor and he told me to meet him at the ER. When he arrived he took out 2.00 cc of fill from my band (leaving me with 2.20 cc of fill).

It sucked because the hospital didn’t have the right equipment and he had nothing to numb my belly with before he stuck me twice with that needle. He kept asking me if I was okay because I wouldn’t stop shaking. It was the most horrible experience with pain I have ever had (even more so then my gall bladder). However, it all ended once he removed some fill. He told me the band can be a little touchy sometimes and it is hard to tell if you get them just right. He told me to come back to the office in two weeks (January 30, 2008) and he would do the fill with floro so he could make sure the water was passing through my band.

I decided in that moment that I never wanted to be in that much pain again. I began thinking positive, eating right and walking after work (usually 2 miles). It was my goal to try and lose the 6 pounds I gain before I returned to him. Plus, if I did well then I was not getting another fill until I had to!! I knew that the odds were against me since now that I had less fill then I originally started with before this second fill. If you don’t know by now, I can be a bit stubborn and do what is necessary to get what I want to be happy (which meant no fill).

I took the whole day off to prepare for my appointment. I had worked hard these past two weeks and didn’t know what to expect. As the nurse called my name, I got really nervous, but already decided I was not going to get a fill. I knew that mentally I was not ready for a fill at this point. As we walked to that DAMN SCALE…I stepped on it and asked it for forgiveness, I love that scale! All the hard work and changes I had made paid off because I lost 14 pounds in two weeks. YEP, I am back on track. I lost the 6 pounds I gained, plus an additional 8 pounds. I was so excited and the doctor was happy with the loss too. He told me I didn’t have to get a fill if I keep on losing weight.

I have lost 48 pounds since my surgery on September 4, 2007. It has been an interesting journey and it is only in the beginning stages. I hope by reading these blogs you will learn that with the good comes some bad, but the good will always out weigh the bad. The lap-band is only a tool and it helps you feel full, but it is up to you to stop eating when that happens. Plus, you need to have a good support group, think positive, prepare for bumps in the road, and always tell your doctor if you are in pain or uncomfortable. As for the scale, it will always be our frienemy (friend + enemy). I go back to the doctor on March 5, 2008 and my goal is to lose 10 more pounds. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

No Birthday Gifts For Me!!

It is appears that this year is not starting off with a bang for me. I have defiantly stopped losing weight. I am sad about it, but it is my own fault. I have lost my way and started eating things I should not be eating, which has raised the amount of calories I have been consuming. I have also not been exercising, which is a must, no matter what type of diet or lifestyle change you make. Don’t get me wrong, while I am sad, I am not disappointed in my weight loss to this point. I feel so delighted to have lost 40 lbs this quickly and I am sure once I get over this small bump in the road I will lose 40+ more pounds.

I think it is good to realize the reasons why you want to lose the weight before you try doing it. I know for me it is because I want to live. I turn 32 today (happy birthday to and I feel like I have yet to truly live life. I think losing the weight and getting my confidence and self esteem back is the key to accomplishing this task.

Why did I fall off track…hmm…well that is easy to answer. I am afraid. I got nervous about how the people were looking at me differently and it felt weird. It was a new set of feelings for me and I wasn’t sure how to deal with them. I was also concerned I wouldn’t have the money to get new clothes or go out more if I developed new friendships. Ya know, it is kind of awkward sharing all of this, but it is a way to help myself and maybe others too. Anyways, I know I will get over these hurdles. I am already developing a plan!

I have an appointment next week to see my doctor. I am supposed to get a fill, which will cause me to start losing weight again. I am also thinking about seeing if I should go on liquids again for two weeks to help get the negative things I carve out of my system again. I will also use this time to “try” and pull a “Biggest Loser” on myself and bust my ass with exercising. I don’t know if this will work, but it is the plan for now. I guess ya’ll will have to check back to see how things work out! Keep your fingers crossed!

Just something I received at work that I thought I would share. Enjoy!

Make a Fresh Start: 10 Tips
Tuning in to what motivates you can help you make a big change, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, starting an exercise program or reducing stress.

1. Know yourself. Think about what drives you. You may feel pride in a job well done, enjoy getting praise from others or be inspired to change by a personal event.

2. Choose realistic goals. Look toward results that are specific and reachable. “I will lose 10 pounds by the summer” is easier to reach than a general one such as “I want to be thinner.”

3. Take one step at a time. Break down large goals into small steps. If you want to reduce stress, you might start by learning one new calming technique, crossing one item off your to-do list or setting up a space in your home for quiet reflection.

4. Set a time frame. Mark your start date and deadlines on your calendar.

5. Build confidence. Do easy tasks first to create a positive attitude.

6. Recall your purpose. Why are you making this change? Perhaps you want to feel and look better, live longer so you’ll enjoy your grandchildren, have more energy or be successful at work. Use your values as inspiration.

7. Cut out distractions. Make reaching your goal a priority. Schedule it into your day like any other appointment. Recognize that you might need to get more rest and cut back on obligations as you work toward your goal.

8. Plan for setbacks. Know that the road may be bumpy. Decide now what you’ll do when you have a tough day, such as calling a friend or doing something special for yourself.

9. Ask for help. Set up a support network of people you trust who can help you meet your goal.

10. Reward yourself. Every accomplishment, no matter how small, deserves recognition.