Thursday, November 8, 2007

It sucks to be sick...

Ugh…I have been sick for about three weeks now. I have a really bad cold. The doctor has put me on meds for it and I think I will be ok soon. It really sucks because I have not been able to use the new gym equipment I bought. I would not be surprised when I go back to the doctor next week that I haven’t lost any weight. I was hoping to lose a total of 50 lbs by Christmas, but I don’t see that happening.

Well, I hope I get over this cold because I have a tendency to eat more when I am sick, which is weird because most people eat less. I guess in some ways I am a little strange. I have also discovered that since I have lost so much weight people are really noticing it and seem to be more touchy-feely, which is nice, but a little uncomfortable too. They are evening giving me new nicknames. The women I work with have now started to get on to me if they seem me with something I should not be eating, which is funny because they don’t even know I have had the surgery. They just think I lost the weight on my own. I don’t know if they will ever catch on, but if they do that is fine with me.

Losing the weight is good for my health, but my mental health is another issue. I used to use the weight as an excuse not to be social or go out and do things. I filled my time with doing all kinds of jobs or going back to school for more degrees. I am a little sad because now that I am losing the weight and I am running out reasons to not be social, I feel alone. I have one good friend, but he is always busy, so I guess this blog will be my way to vent my thoughts. I am really nervous about what will happen when it comes to a point that I will have to go out, which might also explain why I am eating more then I should.

I know this might sound bad to my readers, but I want those people who are thinking about having the lap-band procedure done to realize that losing the weight will not solve your problems. It might make you healthy, but it will also help you face some of your demons.

Well, I need to get some rest. Until next time, peace.

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