Sunday, January 13, 2008

No Birthday Gifts For Me!!

It is appears that this year is not starting off with a bang for me. I have defiantly stopped losing weight. I am sad about it, but it is my own fault. I have lost my way and started eating things I should not be eating, which has raised the amount of calories I have been consuming. I have also not been exercising, which is a must, no matter what type of diet or lifestyle change you make. Don’t get me wrong, while I am sad, I am not disappointed in my weight loss to this point. I feel so delighted to have lost 40 lbs this quickly and I am sure once I get over this small bump in the road I will lose 40+ more pounds.

I think it is good to realize the reasons why you want to lose the weight before you try doing it. I know for me it is because I want to live. I turn 32 today (happy birthday to and I feel like I have yet to truly live life. I think losing the weight and getting my confidence and self esteem back is the key to accomplishing this task.

Why did I fall off track…hmm…well that is easy to answer. I am afraid. I got nervous about how the people were looking at me differently and it felt weird. It was a new set of feelings for me and I wasn’t sure how to deal with them. I was also concerned I wouldn’t have the money to get new clothes or go out more if I developed new friendships. Ya know, it is kind of awkward sharing all of this, but it is a way to help myself and maybe others too. Anyways, I know I will get over these hurdles. I am already developing a plan!

I have an appointment next week to see my doctor. I am supposed to get a fill, which will cause me to start losing weight again. I am also thinking about seeing if I should go on liquids again for two weeks to help get the negative things I carve out of my system again. I will also use this time to “try” and pull a “Biggest Loser” on myself and bust my ass with exercising. I don’t know if this will work, but it is the plan for now. I guess ya’ll will have to check back to see how things work out! Keep your fingers crossed!

Just something I received at work that I thought I would share. Enjoy!

Make a Fresh Start: 10 Tips
Tuning in to what motivates you can help you make a big change, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, starting an exercise program or reducing stress.

1. Know yourself. Think about what drives you. You may feel pride in a job well done, enjoy getting praise from others or be inspired to change by a personal event.

2. Choose realistic goals. Look toward results that are specific and reachable. “I will lose 10 pounds by the summer” is easier to reach than a general one such as “I want to be thinner.”

3. Take one step at a time. Break down large goals into small steps. If you want to reduce stress, you might start by learning one new calming technique, crossing one item off your to-do list or setting up a space in your home for quiet reflection.

4. Set a time frame. Mark your start date and deadlines on your calendar.

5. Build confidence. Do easy tasks first to create a positive attitude.

6. Recall your purpose. Why are you making this change? Perhaps you want to feel and look better, live longer so you’ll enjoy your grandchildren, have more energy or be successful at work. Use your values as inspiration.

7. Cut out distractions. Make reaching your goal a priority. Schedule it into your day like any other appointment. Recognize that you might need to get more rest and cut back on obligations as you work toward your goal.

8. Plan for setbacks. Know that the road may be bumpy. Decide now what you’ll do when you have a tough day, such as calling a friend or doing something special for yourself.

9. Ask for help. Set up a support network of people you trust who can help you meet your goal.

10. Reward yourself. Every accomplishment, no matter how small, deserves recognition.